Saturday, July 20, 2013

Michael Mark- Two Poems

False hope

The turns that disguise
the future are blind
If we could see
what was ahead
we would stop.
All our joy and sorrow
would appear
too much.
The small glimpses
keep us moving
towards an end.
Where there is
In false hope
is hope.


I intend to be the witness
Of my dying
And not to be funny or morose
But because I so love you
To be the witness of yours
Every day of it

Michael has had two books of fiction and some poems published when he was younger man. He's started writing again although he's a different him.


  1. Lovely poems Michael. Beautiful deep thoughts expressed succinctly. Your poetry strikes a note deep within me.

  2. Who knew he was so talented???????? Insight into Lois' husband. Retirement is good for him. Back to writing again.

  3. Thank you Michael I'm enjoying thinking about them
