Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Donal Mahoney- Three Poems

An Old Nun’s Opinion

An old nun sitting 
on a bench in front of her convent
saying her beads was

interrupted by a young nun
coming home from school
to the convent for the night.

She asked the old nun if she had heard
about the Supreme Court passing 
the gay marriage law

and the old nun said she had.
The young nun seemed surprised. 
“Well, Sister, you don’t seem upset!

The old nun looked at her beads
and said, “This isn't Roe v. Wade.
This law won't kill anybody."

Homeless in Nome

I was beautiful once,
the homeless lady tells 
the young worker

who’s filling out forms
before assigning the lady
a bed for the night.

She’s been homeless 
for months since 
arriving from Dallas.

She's looking for a job
and maybe a husband
but hasn’t found either.

The worse thing, she says,
is the weather in Nome.
It’s nothing like Dallas. 

With snow in the winter 
and rain in the summer 
in Nome she needs 

something to crawl under. 
Often it’s a man, she says, 
with no home either.


It’s a big book, a thousand pages,
a million words, a bestseller,
and the verbs are mad as hell
because the nouns get all the credit
even though the nouns go nowhere 
if the verbs don’t take them,
never mind the adjectives,
those leeches on the nouns,
getting the same free ride.

It’s reached the point where the verbs
have had enough and plan to quit 
the book and leave the pages blank 
unless they get $15.00 an hour
to keep on dragging nouns 
and adjectives from cover to cover
plus overtime tossed in 
for adverbs and prepositions
and a nice bonus for conjunctions. 

Donal Mahoney lives in St. Louis, Missouri.

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